Chrome tabs plus extension
Chrome tabs plus extension

chrome tabs plus extension


LastPass: A free password manager extension.The Great Suspender: Suspend open tabs after a set period of time to save memory.OneTab: Save open tabs into a list for later to save memory.Pixlr Editor: A free, in-browser alternative to Photoshop.Save to Google Drive: Does exactly what it says.Panda 5: Replace the new tab page with all your favourite websites.Google Dictionary: Instant definitions for words you highlight.Just Read Premium: Turn web pages into text-only documents with a single click.Diigo Web Collector: Bookmark pages, capture text, screenshot and annotate content.Airstory: Capture text and images from web pages to use as research or sources for your own content.Grammarly: Automatic spelling and grammar corrections/suggestions.Evernote Web Clipper: Clip, annotate, highlight and store parts of a webpage.Pocket: Save web pages for viewing later with a single click.Clockify: Track time from anywhere on the web with one click.TrackingTime: Manage projects, track working times and measure productivity.Toggl Button: Integrate Toggl with Chrome and activate in-browser.ClickUp: Five productivity features rolled into one Extension: Manage tasks as you browse the web.Win the Day: Set goals, track habits and use focus tools in Chrome.Todoist: Create and manage tasks in-browser.TimeWarp: Block websites with redirects, quotes or timers.Forest: Gamify productivity by growing digital trees every time you complete a task.Todobook: Replace your Facebook News Feed with a Todo list.News Feed Eradicator: Block your Facebook News Feed.Rescue Time: Block websites and apps that are getting in the way of your workflow.Serene: Combine dozens of productivity tools using a single platform.And, as this is a fairly long list to scroll through, I’m breaking these extensions up into the following four categories. Which tools are we looking at in this article?In this article, we’ve got 30 of the best chrome extensions that will help you boost your productivity.


Option to open tabs in new windows always, never, or only when no other tabs.Data from StatCounter.One of the biggest strengths of Google’s browser is its extensive library of extensions that allow you to add extra functionality and make the web a more powerful tool.In this article, we’re looking at some of the best Chrome extensions for productivity so you can complete a whole bunch of tasks without leaving the browser.

chrome tabs plus extension

Minimize CSS and JS files to save space? Maybe? Reopen tabs if syncing failed upon tablist creation within TabPlusService.


Update settings automatically on change, and make the extension options page already! Improve TabPlusMain cleanupAll with stuff from loadFromDisk() Inform the user to delete data or move to local if this occurs. This can happen if the max entry size or entry count is exceeded. TabPlusManager's syncToCloud operation will callback false if it couldn't sync. Holding shift when opening a tab opens whole tablist. Moved help section to otherwise useless options page. Unless it's dragged to the sync-mode button for the mode it's already in.

chrome tabs plus extension

Unlike moving an unlocked tablist, the date is not updated to today when a locked list is moved, Moving a tab in a locked tablist moves the whole tablist, without needing to hold shift.

chrome tabs plus extension

(they couldn't, but they LOOKED like they could) Fixed small bug where locked tabs looked like they could be moved into other tablits. Looks like there was a bug in the date parser that caused tabs saved in January to behave weirdly and not move to the top. Import also now automatically creates a backup. Improved tab import, now has multiple import modes and option to not overwrite duplicates. TabPlus's error checking is very robust, but you may still encounter issues. Note: TabPlus Help now located in options page! The idea is sort-of inspired by OneTab, but TabPlus has WAY more features, like folders, cloud-syncing, complete database backup-and-restore, and more! You can organize, categorize, and name them, then store them locally, or sync across devices. Save, cache, and organize your tabs and sync across devices!Tab++ is an extension that allows you to save your tabs for later.

Chrome tabs plus extension